Friday, 20 March 2015

Interfacing the ESP8266 WIFI module to an Arduino

The current ESP8266 library project is called 'WeeESP8266'.

The WeeESP8266 Arduino API documentation is located here and the library files can be downloaded here from Github.

The  ESP8266 interface uses standard 'AT' (attention) commands. It uses the same type of commands that were used in MODEMs . . . . remember them? Below is a list of the standard commands but be aware that this may change with time.

NOTE: There are must be no any spaces between the " and IP address or port

AT+RSTrestart the modulebasic----
AT+CWMODEwifi modewifiAT+CWMODE=<mode>AT+CWMODE?AT+CWMODE=?1= Sta, 2= AP, 3=both
AT+CWJAPjoin the APwifiAT+ CWJAP =<ssid>,< pwd >AT+ CWJAP?-ssid = ssid, pwd = wifi password
AT+ CWSAPset the parameters of APwifiAT+ CWSAP= <ssid>,<pwd>,<chl>, <ecn>AT+ CWSAP?ssid, pwd, chl = channel, ecn = encryptionConnect to your router: :AT+CWJAP="YOURSSID","helloworld"; and check if connected: AT+CWJAP?
AT+ CIPSTATUSget the connection statusTCP/IPAT+ CIPSTATUS
AT+CIPSTARTset up TCP or UDP connectionTCP/IP1)single connection (+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSTART= <type>,<addr>,<port>; 2) multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSTART= <id><type>,<addr>, <port>-AT+CIPSTART=?id = 0-4, type = TCP/UDP, addr = IP address, port= portConnect to another TCP server, set multiple connection first: AT+CIPMUX=1; connect: AT+CIPSTART=4,"TCP","X1.X2.X3.X4",9999
AT+CIPSENDsend dataTCP/IP1)single connection(+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSEND=<length>; 2) multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSEND= <id>,<length>AT+CIPSEND=?send data: AT+CIPSEND=4,15 and then enter the data
AT+ CIPMUXset mutiple connectionTCP/IPAT+ CIPMUX=<mode>AT+ CIPMUX?0 for single connection 1 for mutiple connection
AT+ CIPSERVERset as serverTCP/IPAT+ CIPSERVER= <mode>[,<port> ]mode 0 to close server mode, mode 1 to open; port = portturn on as a TCP server: AT+CIPSERVER=1,8888, check the self server IP address: AT+CIFSR=?
+IPDreceived data

WeeESP8266 API
bool    kick (void) : Verify ESP8266 whether live or not.

bool    restart (void) : Restart ESP8266 by "AT+RST".

String  getVersion (void) : Get the version of AT Command Set.

bool    setOprToStation (void) : Set operation mode to staion.

bool    setOprToSoftAP (void) : Set operation mode to softap.

bool    setOprToStationSoftAP (void) : Set operation mode to station + softap.

String  getAPList (void) : Search available AP list and return it.

bool    joinAP (String ssid, String pwd) : Join in AP. 

bool    leaveAP (void) : Leave AP joined before. 

bool    setSoftAPParam (String ssid, String pwd, uint8_t chl=7, uint8_t ecn=4) : Set SoftAP parameters. 

String  getJoinedDeviceIP (void) : Get the IP list of devices connected to SoftAP. 

String  getIPStatus (void) : Get the current status of connection(UDP and TCP). 

String  getLocalIP (void) : Get the IP address of ESP8266. 

bool    enableMUX (void) : Enable IP MUX(multiple connection mode). 

bool    disableMUX (void) : Disable IP MUX(single connection mode). 

bool    createTCP (String addr, uint32_t port) : Create TCP connection in single mode. 

bool    releaseTCP (void) : Release TCP connection in single mode. 

bool    registerUDP (String addr, uint32_t port) : Register UDP port number in single mode. 

bool    unregisterUDP (void) : Unregister UDP port number in single mode. 

bool    createTCP (uint8_t mux_id, String addr, uint32_t port) : Create TCP connection in multiple mode. 

bool    releaseTCP (uint8_t mux_id) : Release TCP connection in multiple mode. 

bool    registerUDP (uint8_t mux_id, String addr, uint32_t port) : Register UDP port number in multiple mode. 

bool    unregisterUDP (uint8_t mux_id) : Unregister UDP port number in multiple mode. 

bool    setTCPServerTimeout (uint32_t timeout=180) : Set the timeout of TCP Server. 

bool    startServer (uint32_t port=333) : Start Server(Only in multiple mode).

bool    stopServer (void) : Stop Server(Only in multiple mode).

bool    startTCPServer (uint32_t port=333) : Start TCP Server(Only in multiple mode). 

bool    stopTCPServer (void) : Stop TCP Server(Only in multiple mode). 

bool    send (const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len) : Send data based on TCP or UDP builded already in single mode. 

bool    send (uint8_t mux_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len) : Send data based on one of TCP or UDP builded already in multiple mode. 

uint32_t    recv (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t timeout=1000) : Receive data from TCP or UDP builded already in single mode. 

uint32_t    recv (uint8_t mux_id, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t timeout=1000) : Receive data from one of TCP or UDP builded already in multiple mode. 

uint32_t    recv (uint8_t *coming_mux_id, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t timeout=1000) : Receive data from all of TCP or UDP builded already in multiple mode. 

Wiring connections to Arduino


Serial 1 can be used. Create an object (named wifi) of class ESP8266 in your code like this:

#include "ESP8266.h" ESP8266 wifi(Serial1);

The connection should be like these:

ESP8266_TX  ->  RX1(D19) 

ESP8266_RX  ->  TX1(D18) 

ESP8266_CH_PD  ->  3.3V 

ESP8266_VCC  ->  3.3V 

ESP8266_GND  ->  GND


Software Serial can be used. Create an object (named wifi) of class ESP8266 in your code like this:

#include "ESP8266.h" 
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 

SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2); /* RX:D3, TX:D2 */ 
ESP8266 wifi(mySerial);

The connection should be like these:

ESP8266_TX  ->  RX(D3)
ESP8266_RX  ->  TX(D2)
ESP8266_CH_PD  ->  3.3V
ESP8266_VCC  ->  3.3V
ESP8266_GND  ->  GND

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

IoT - Using the ESP8266 WIFI module to make a Web Enabled LED

ESP8266 Module

Info & Guides

NurdSpace complete guide


LUA Programming Language


CoolTerm - Free Serial Terminal Emulator

nodemcu Firmware & Programmer - LUA Firmware

LuaLoader - Great MultiFunctional software (run the file as Administrator if you do not see your comm port)

ESPlorer - IDE for ESP8266 developers



CH340 Programmer

Quick Guide

  1. Wire up 8266 as per schematic above.
  2. Confirm communications are working to the 8266 with Coolterm.
  3. Set the 8266 into 'Flash update' mode by setting GPI00 to GND.
  4. Reset the power to the device.
  5. Download Flasher & firmware found here and flash the firmware to the ESP8266.
  6. Confirm comms again with Coolterm noting the change in firmware.
  7. Set the 8266 into 'Flash update' mode by setting GPI00 to GND.
  8. Reset the power to the device.
  9. Download nodemcu found here and flash the ESP8266 with 'ESP8266Flasher' using the default binary (nodemcu_latest.bin: 0x00000).
  10. Confirm comms again with Coolterm. a status line similar to
  11. 'NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150311 powered by Lua 5.1.4' will indicate LUA firmware is now installed.
  12. Download LuaLoader from here and set it to your correct Com Port. If LuaLoader does not see your Com Port set it to run as 'Administrator' in the file compatibility settings.
  13. You can now use LuaLoader to load programs onto the ESP8266 like the one below . . .

Webserver with web enabled LED

lua code

gpio.mode(4, gpio.OUTPUT)
    conn:on("receive", function(client,request)
        local buf = "";
        local _, _, method, path, vars = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+)?(.+) HTTP");
        if(method == nil)then 
            _, _, method, path = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+) HTTP"); 
        local _GET = {}
        if (vars ~= nil)then 
            for k, v in string.gmatch(vars, "(%w+)=(%w+)&*") do 
                _GET[k] = v 
        buf = buf.."<h1><b> Arduino Virgins - IoT LED</b></h1><form src=\"/\">Turn GPIO2 <select name=\"pin\" onchange=\"form.submit()\">";
        local _on,_off = "",""
        if( == "ON")then
              _on = " selected=true";
              gpio.write(4, gpio.HIGH);
        elseif( == "OFF")then
              _off = " selected=\"true\"";
              gpio.write(4, gpio.LOW);
        buf = buf.."<option".._on..">ON</opton><option".._off..">OFF</option></select></form>";



  • Replace YOUROUTERNAME with the name of your own router and YOUROUTERPASSWORD with your routers password.
  • Upload this code using LuaLoader by copying it to your clipboard and using the 'Paste Text' button in LuaLoader to upload it to the ESP8266.
  • Connect an LED negative to a 220Ohm resistor, and the other end of the resistor to GND. Then connect the positive end of the LED to the GPIO2 pin on the ESP8266. . . . schematic to follow.
  • Use the 'Get IP' button in LuaLoader to get the IP address of the ESP8266(if you do not see a response of 'nil'you probably have the wrong routername and password setup in the above step).
  • Put the first address in your web browser. Its normally something like

You should see the following web page


  • My ESP8266-01 Module was set to 9600 baud by default.
  • After flashing it with ver  0.92 baud rate was 115200bps.
  • It CAN NOT be powered by the CH340 programmer. It has to have its own supply of 3.3v @ 20-250mA.

A high percentage of the project information was taken from Julian Ilets Videos shown below.

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

This may also be useful. More information from Great Scott

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Conversions & Translations

Arduino Terms
Alternative Names For The Same Pin



CS = SS = CE


RS = D/C = A0


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Useful Arduino Software

IDE & Programming Environment

Arduino IDE

Atmel Studio (needs Visual Micro to run as a Arduino IDE)

Visual Studio Community Edition(needs Visual Micro as a Arduino IDE)

Visual Micro

Visual Micro Debugger Video



S4A - Scratch for Arduino

TFT & LCD Screen Font Unility

The Dot Factory

GLCD Font Creator


Esplorer Software for programming the ESP WIFI module